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This month, the new Bing can tell you how many bags of fertilizer will fit in the truck of your Subaru Outback, but it also lies a lot! And, I'm not quite myself, or maybe I'm more of myself than I've ever been.
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This month, if you thought NFTs were a polarizing technology, AI has a few things to show you. New generative AI tools are being released at an astonishing rate, while the number of skeptics, haters and lawsuits are piling up. Meanwhile, NFTs aren't dead. The new year has seen a resurgence in NFT activity and a renewed push from big brands into the Web3 space.
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This month, we're sharing our year end review on the state of emerging tech and design with some predictions on what 2023 will bring. Send us a note with your own predictions. We look forward to sharing everything coming in the new year!
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